Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Game

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty cool (and funny) to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


LYDIA said...

Hey Ash! My favorite memory about you is actually at Tyler's coin out. You both looked so happy and so different than how I had come to know you. I also loved our time being wusses on the beach in Bear Lake - it was good to sit and chat and get to know more about you.

Steven and Tanesha said...

Haha I remember playing beauty salon when we were little and making those home made invitations to invite everyone to our dances at your house. Remember we even made your brothers dress up in their church clothes one time so they would look nice, haha. Those were some fun times.

Clu, Meg, Max, Tali said...

Ashley - I loved visiting you when you lived at Aunt Deb's. You were so good to help her and she loved having you around. Now we don't get to see you nearly enough.

Anonymous said...

I remember the hole we lived and played in on 7th East. Wow, some good times there... The thing I remember most is how it felt like home cuz I had a mom there who made me pick up after myself and was always watching out for me.

Aunt Deb said...

I loved being an aunt to you and Tiff and all the fun
times when you were growing up..the Oshgosh overalls, twinner dresses and jammies, playing Barbies with my old Barbies, and bringing you to Salt Lake at Christmas to see the Nutcracker. (You both fell asleep during the performance) As one of only three nieces, you are like the daughter I never had. Never forget how much I love you!

erika said...

I love how you and Tiff will always be the most festive at the 4th of July reunions. I always love to see what color you will have in your hair and see your painted nails. You are always so cute and I will never forget you playing cars with Haydn last year. He just wanted to send it down the ramp over and over and you had so much patience.

Dustin AND Chelsie said...

Hey Ash! How are you sweetie? So I have a blog now! Now we can stay intouch! I miss you so much! And as far as my favorite momory with you... I really can't pick one! We have had so many great times together! I love you so much! Keep in touch!

matt . lori . maya . daisy . olivia said...

Hi Ashley, I am not sure how I found your blog.. It has been so long!! Last time I was in St. George my mom found my scrapbook from 7-9th grade!! Well 90% are all pictures of us being silly! I have to say the best memory was Britni Maxwell's Birthday party, or when your parents took us to Vegas and we went on the big shot!!! Anyway, you look so good and so happy! Check out my blog:

Steven and Tanesha said...

You need to post again!!! Oh, I need your email that you are using for blogger cuz I am setting my blog to private. My email address is if you just wanna send it there or you can leave a comment on my page. I hope you are doing great Ash!